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The 55 deserves a leader that can get things done for you that is a part of the leading party in the Georgia House.  Years of electing a democrat to represent you has left you with no real voice at the state level.  As a Moderate Republican you and I are much more alike that you may think.  We are in this together.  I will not have to settle for a few items tossed across the aisle for appeasement, I will be on the right side of the aisle and in the best place to get things done for you.  It is time the voters in District 55 realize the Democratic Party is not really working for you.  They never have, they are only working for themselves.  This is one of the biggest reasons I do support term limits.  We have too many politicians who have gotten rich off something that should have never been a career.  The only way we can get back to a fiscally smart government is prevent the service to you turning into a lifelong get rich off of you scam.  Our dollar is not buying us what it should, yet the politicians get richer and make laws that do not include them.  I know you see it and I know you feel it every day, just like me, you feel it at the grocery or every time you put gas in your car.  They are full of empty promises to secure your vote yet when it comes down to it, they never really make anything better for us, only them.  Today is the time to make a change and change the way you have voted for decades.  A vote for me will get more done for our city at the state level and more done at the local level for you. 
As a Atlanta Native, I come from a family that has been involved with public service for as long as I can remember. I want to work for you. I believe in the Peoples RIGHT to Referendum when they find leadership has failed them.  Smaller Government that more closely represents the people is more efficient, less costly, and has no room for cronyism or corruption.   We need to find a balance and create more living wage jobs, improve our schools, and restore public safety. With a new 55 for Georgia it is time for NEW Leadership, I know what it takes to find solutions, navigate the complicated governmental agencies, and get things done.

Atlanta Public Schools with in the 55 are among the lowest tested in the state.  With a annual budget exceeding 1 Billion dollars or around 20K per student we are not getting the results from our investment.  I will put in the serious work needed at the state level to fix this for the 55 and the rest of APS.

Crime & Safety:

Atlanta crime is out of control.  Liberal Democrat leadership is not working!  I will work closely with state and local authorities to put a stop to crime in our neighborhoods!​

Protecting Your 1st Amendment Rights:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

GEORGIA District 55 MAP - Cascade to Bankhead to Buckhead
The Map
the map 55.JPG
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